Danila Popov: «I would like to prove that I am ready to play in the KHL»
- Danila, let's first make clear for our fans what is your name - Danil, Daniel or Danila ...
- According to my passport, I am Danila (smiles). Some people think that all of these names means the same, but that is okay.
- We would like to know, how did you get into ice hockey?
- My dad showed me outdoor hockey. He played hockey professionally. I watched his games, and I liked the atmosphere on the arena. I wanted to play.
- Are you mentally ready to compete with other players to play in the KHL?
- I would like to prove that I am ready to play in the KHL. I will do my best.
- You are leaving your hometown Penza for the first time. How do you feel?
- On one hand I am happy, on the other hand I am sad. It is cool that I have an opportunity to play at high level, but it is sad that I have to leave my hometown, my family and friends.
- Who is your favorite hockey player?
- There is no favorite one, but I follow the guys in the NHL, in the KHL and with whom I played.
- What do you do on vacation, how do you spend your time?
- I prefer to spend my vacation and my time at home with my parents and my girlfriend. Nothing special. I am preparing for the training camp and upcoming season.
- What kind of music is on your playlist?
- I listen all kinds of music.
- Who is the best stand-up comedian in Russia?
- I like to watch «Что было дальше?».
- The film that impressed you the most?
- Most of all I remember the film "The Blind Side".
- What jersey number will you choose?
- I have been wearing jerseys with number 10. If number is not available I will take number 73. I haven't decided yet.
- Do you know any players from Neftekhimik team personally?
- No, I don't know anyone personally. Maybe, I played against someone. I think that it is not a problem. We have enough time to get acquainted during the training camp.
- Lets pretend that you scored on your first KHL game. Will we see any special celebration from you?
- It will not be special. Everything comes from the heart and emotions (smiles).