Igor Fyodorov: «Our pk unit did a good job»


Reaktor Head Coach Igor Fyodorov speaks with the media after a following 3–2 shootout win over Krasnoyarskie Rysi.

– The downside of our two games in Krasnoyarsk was a lot of bad passes. Which to some extent undermined our self–confidence. That is probably why we could not take advantage of our good chances in attack.

Our pk unit did a good job. Not only did we hold out, but we also scored two goals. We took too much penalties. We talked about this on the bench, but in some episodes, emotions let us down. It is great that the bench lived the entire game and strived for victory. We even pulled the goaltender 2.5 seconds before the end of overtime during the faceoff in the opponent's zone and released another player for the shot: 4 on 3. This was an important moment for the team. Everything for the victory! That is why our bench had a feeling that we would definitely win in the series of post–game shots. And then Rukhlyadev pulled in, and Reshetnikov, Krivolapov and Gizyatov immediately realized three of their attempts.

Maybe it is good that we had a hard time winning the last two games. We clearly understand that we can only achieve results through hard work, only at the maximum of our capabilities.

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