Ronald Knot: «I used to learn Russian at school»
Ronald Knot talks about his name, Russian language and Russian cuisine.
- Ronald, our fans were impressed with your good knowledge of the Russian language. Did you learn Russian language?
- I used to learn Russian at school, however it’s few year ago and I forgot a lot. I hope fans and people around the club will be helpful and patient, so I can get back into it as soon as possible.
- Ronald is unusual name for a Czech. How did your parents choose your name?
- All my family members have name starting with letter R, so my parents decided to give me rare name. The second option was Rafel, which doesn’t fit me that well.
- Who put you on skates?
- It was my parents who were at the beginning with me.
- Who was your hockey idol in your childhood?
- I did not have idol, but there were couple players I admired from Czech league.
- Last season your club Liberec lost in the final. What prevented the team from winning gold medals?
- It was pretty good playoff run, unfortunately we had lot of injured players at the end of the season and that was one of the main reasons we lost in final. However Trinec deserved to win the title.
- When you received an offer from our club, what did you do first after that?
- I was very happy, and I wasn’t expecting that. I am so excited to play in KHL next season.
- Have you heard about the Neftekhimik before?
- Yes, I have heard. I was interested in KHL in general. I was checking result of Neftekhimik mostly because of my former teammate Libor Hudacek.
- Ronald, you played the entire career at home. Do you have any fear of going to big and unexplored Russia?
- No, I am definitely not scared of moving to Russia. I always wanted to get some hockey and life experience from different country than Czech Republic, and I am so excited!
- What comes on your mind when you think about Russia?
- Big country, best hockey in Europe, Moscow, Russian language… So much things to explore!
- Your favorite place in Czech Republic? - Could you tell our fans which places or sightseeing in Czech Republic they have to visit?
- My favourite place in Czech Republic is Prague. I was born there and it is beautiful city. Lot of historical buildings, restaurants and there is always something to do.
- Are you watching Ice Hockey World Championship? Why did your national team get only 2 points?
- Yes I am watching championship as much as I can. We have great line up, however we did not perform as good we should. I hope everything is gonna settle down soon and we win the most important games.
- What do you like to eat?
- I like sushi, good steaks and pasta. During the season I focus on eating properly, for example fish and salads. Also trying to avoid the fat a heavy meals.
- What do you know about Russian cuisine? Do you have your favorite Russian dish?
- Just a little bit. I love borscht and pelmeni. These are my most favourite Russian meals for sure!
- What is your favorite book from your childhood?
I like the Harry Potter series. It reminds me when my sister has been reading me it before I went to sleep.
- Could you recommend some movie or book for our fans?
- I mostly read travelogues. But last time I was impressed by book called «The monk who sold his Ferrari». I like action movies and comedian series.
- Our fans were really excited when they got to know, that the Neftekhimik signed you. What would you like to say to our fans?
- I’m glad to hear that! I am also very excited for the upcoming season and can’t wait to see you all in the stands!
-What jersey number will you choose?
- I will have number 3.